Children: • Begin to read from an early age. • Make libraries an environment of reading accessible for children. • Give children the freedom to choose their own books from a library where you find a collection of reliable and trustworthy books. • Teach them to organize their own library in their rooms. Youth and adults: • Have a sincere niyyah (intention) i.e. “I want to read for the sake of seeking knowledge that pleases Allah.” • Have a plan ready at hand (where to start from, what my goals are, what I need for my religion, life, career) • Choose a specific timing of the day and schedule your convenient time of reading (make use of the free time between different activities, while traveling in a vehicle, while waiting at the doctor's, the airport.) • Take gradual steps in habituating yourself to reading. • Be serious in accepting the idea that “unless I become a reader I won't be successful in life.” • Form your own library of different types of books. (all fields of knowledge, most importantly those of Tafsir, Hadith, Sirah, Islamic history) • Share what you read with others, which is a very good method of enforcing and comprehending knowledge. • Look for the scholars in your area and attach yourself to them, or find their websites and read/ watch their lectures.