Airport lounges can ease some of the pain of traveling, and the SUMAQ VIP lounge of Lima's international airport has been voted the world's best for 2010 by independent airport lounge program Priority Pass. Priority Pass, the world's biggest membership program that gives frequent travelers access to airport lounges regardless of their class of travel or which airline they've flown, asked more than 30,000 passengers from all over the world to pick their favorite lounge from among a 600-strong list. The lounge at Peru's Jorge Chavez International Airport came up tops, reclaiming its 2009 position, with travelers praising its business facilities and relaxation rooms that have blankets, pillows and showers. By region, Continental Presidents Club, Terminal E, Houston, Texas, was voted the best lounge in North America and Zurich's Panorama Lounge the best in Europe. In the Asia Pacific, KAL Lounge, Concourse A, in Seoul's Incheon Airport was in first place while Bahrain's Dilmun Lounge was the top in the Middle East and Africa.