How do you feed a squirrel? What does a turtle have for breakfast? How do you shampoo a dog? Pupils from the Children's House discovered the answers to these questions during their recent visit to a local pet shop. They were awed by the massive skeleton of a blue whale that greeted them at the entrance of the shop. As early as 6 P.M., the kids were excited to see real animals than those in the pictures they see on the pages of a book or drawings they were asked to do. As part of their school's activity, the children interacted with different kinds of animals from the wildest to the tamest creatures. “Pets help kids learn about responsibility, love and care for a fellow living being,” said Gina Abitona, the school's directress. “Social skills of kids can be improved by interaction with pets,” she added. The kids moved around in pairs appreciating each animal in the cage. One kid was carried away by the adorable Chihuahua and kissed it through the glass pen. There were rabbits, fishes, turtles, birds, snakes, dogs, mice, squirrels nd mongooses. But what caught the kids' attendion most was a German shepherd being bathed and groomed by the pet shop's staff. According to Abitona, kids should be involved during the pets' bath time . They can be taught about the importance of hygiene while caring for pets. The children were greeted by the shop's veterinarian who told them that visiting pet shops could help develop their knowledge, skills and behavior as foundation of their learning. The children went back to their school and happily shared their wonderful experience. __