The Saudi national air carrier, Saudi Arabian Airlines (SAA) said Sunday it transported some 509,713 passengers during the recent school holidays. The airlines had earlier announced it would add 66 domestic and international flights to its operations schedule during the 10-day school spring break. It also proclaimed it would increase the seating capacity on 56 international flights from the Kingdom to Dubai, Beirut, Doha, Cairo and Sharm El-Sheikh. According to Abdullah Al-Ajhar, SAA's Assistant Manager for Public Relations, some 3,775 flights carried these passengers. He added that the school break witnessed an increase of about 105,252 passengers compared to the period a week before the break. “SAA has succeeded in its operational plan during the spring break and has made necessary seats available to meet the travel demands during that short time,” Al-Ajhar said. The official, who earlier said that SAA has no specific season, added that the national carrier prepares for the increasing demand on travel during holidays. “Our offices and service centers are open to provide the best possible service that can reflect the high level of performance we have reached, and to mirror what care we offer to our customers” he said. Al-Ajhar pointed out that 183,231 passengers were carried on 1,047 scheduled international flights while 316,952 passengers were transported on 2,639 scheduled domestic flights. “Moreover, 47 additional international flights were operated. These carried some 3,484 travelers. On the other hand, there were 42 additional domestic flights that carried 6,046 passengers. We also increased the seating capacity of flight to Dubai, Beirut, Doha, Cairo and Sharm El-Sheikh,” Al