based Asian Development Bank (ADB) unveiled on Monday a new rule for protecting whistleblowers in its drive to crack down on corruption, China's Xinhua news agency reported. The ADB, which offers multi-million-dollar loans and grants to developing countries, said it would protect the identities of workers and those outside the organisation who worry about retaliations for reporting misconduct. ADB said the so-called New Whistleblower Provisions to Fight Corruption and Misconduct were finalised following extensive consultations with experts within and outside ADB and after draft provisions were made available for public comment for a three- month period last year. “ADB does not tolerate corruption in any form. By improving the information and protections available to whistleblowers and others who also provide evidence of misconduct, ADB is strengthening its ongoing efforts to combat fraud and corruption,” said Peter E. Pedersen, head of ADB's Office of Anticorruption and Integrity.