Illegal immigration is an issue that affects many countries around the world and Saudi Arabia is one of them. Dealing with the issue is extremely complex as it inevitably must go beyond the mere legal aspects and include social considerations, compassionate and a realistic approach that takes into consideration the real reasons that illegal immigration exists. In order to deal with illegal immigration, one fact of life must be faced: illegal immigrants are not the scourge of the earth. Most people, probably the vast majority, would prefer to remain in the countries of the birth. There are, of course, many reasons that people choose to emigrate, ranging from marriage to the national of another country to legitimate business opportunities in countries that welcome willing to immigrate and exploit them. Illegal immigration, however, is usually based on an economic factor. Given the profound poverty that exists in many countries around the world, it does not take much imagination to understand why nationals of those countries will do just about anything to seek a better life. If a country offers the possibility of a reasonable income, whether that country is European, North American or Saudi Arabia, then a person who has experienced hunger and deprivation in his own country will take whatever path is necessary to move to the other country. As has been proven the world over, legal restrictions on immigration and border reinforcements are only partially effective in preventing illegal immigration. In other words, illegal immigrants are and will always be a fact of life that must be dealt with in a humane and compassionate manner. Illegal immigrants comprise a segment of the population and a segment of the economy. They live among us and knowingly or unknowingly, we often interact with them. The recent decision not to offer illegal immigrants funds for surviving the aftermath of the recent floods raises many troubling questions. Certainly, the legal system makes it impossible to grant illegal immigrants the same benefits as those provided to the rest of us. That, however, will not make them go away nor will it halt such immigration. Denying medical services to any segment of the population bodes poorly for the rest of the population. Relegating a particular segment of the population to continued poverty also does not bode well for the rest of us. There are certainly no easy answers to issue of illegal immigration but it is most certain that compassion must be the guiding factor in finding the answers. __