Over 40 scholars and researchers have offered proposals to improve the work of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (the Hai'a) by including the organization's principles in educational curricula, setting up nationwide regional Hai'a councils, and opening women's departments at Hai'a offices to “communicate with women”. The recommendations, which were heard at a workshop organized by the Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz Chair for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Studies, also included the creation of a Hai'a satellite television channel and FM radio station broadcasting in several languages. The workshop heard that the Hai'a should “focus more on dialogue and reform than on purely office work” and that improvements should be sought in “partnerships with the various government bodies”. One proposal called for Hai'a regional council sessions across the country with a representative of the public in attendance, and another suggested studies focusing on the “etiquette of dealing with diplomats and other communities”. “One of the most significant recommendations made by participants was that materials on the principles and values of the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice be included in general education and university syllabi to instill it in the minds of the next generation,” said Ghazi Al- Muttari, Professor of the Prince Naif Bin Abdul Aziz Chair.