A routine life means that somehow you have allowed your life to become a carbon copy of day to day, week to week and month to month activities…. indeed if not year to year…. “I am now 86 years old, what have I done since I was 25?” said a puzzled old man sitting on a park bench playing with a friendly pigeon. “I remember washing my teeth at 7th” “Oh, yes, I remember getting up first…” “I remember eating cereal …With sugar”. “I remember unlocking the door to my boss's office at 9:15” “Remember taking a break at 3:30”. “I remember cleaning my shoes”. And in between there were things to do. I think that working was one of them, raising a family and paying bills. Routine makes for a dull no-brain. Existence and survival… and then? Routine leaves little time to figure out who and what you are… suddenly you semi-wake up, and you are pretty much of a nothing and looking to others for ‘your identity'. Break away from routine before it is too late for you to un-glue yourself…. Don't get up on time… have yesterdays hot dog for breakfast… pick up the kids on the weekend …. Walk into your friends apartment with your shoes on… don't flush the toilet… don't put your false teeth on… Ignore the mobile …… don't wear your glasses… Don't visit your grandmother. Make yourself really aware of what you are doing and do not let routines make your life simply slip away from your conscious mind and brain. If you see someone walking and driving around with a ‘glazed' look – you know that they are on a ‘routine mission' and it is your moral duty to smack them and ask –”what… are you doing?” Their answer will be a “what” or a “huh”… Re-invent yourself and do things that you have never done before… Listen to what your wife or husband is saying to you…. I mean listen carefully. Cross the street at the corner… Drive slowly…. Return a ‘miss-call'… Watch only 30 minutes of TV per day…. The ‘grip' of routine on mankind indicates that man lacks imagination and incentive on what to do with himself or herself during moments of insecurity… Routine fills the gap, but in general in a negative way. Men, women and children become ‘dorks' … Are you a dork? Probably you are if you look at yourself in an honest way and realize that you are putting your life on periods of hold. Hold is ‘dead-time' as it were. Routine is but another epidemic in the world that has been contagious for centuries and that means eons too… Routine is a form of escape as well as you can avoid so much by making a routine of it all…. Break away from being a ‘routine-aholic', it is indeed a struggle to do so, but your identity and life depend on it for an emergence of the real and fabulous YOU!!! Remember that underneath it all, you are perfection in full color! Regain and maintain your confidence in your ability to be …. And to have your ‘to be' blossom from this minute on. Tell a friend, charge! Routine not be with you… Are you beginning to feel ‘refreshed'? Don't let routine rob you of YOU!! __