Sourav Ganguly and Shane Warne have been fined 10 percent of their match fees, while Pratap Kumar, the on-field umpire, has been suspended for a game following the controversy during Thursday's match between Kolkata Knight Riders and Rajasthan Royals. Ganguly asked Kumar to refer a decision to the third umpire after he wasn't convinced about a catch taken by Rajasthan's Grame Smith at the deep midwicket boundary. Asad Rauf, the third umpire, ruled in favor of the batsman after replays weren't entirely conclusive. In his post-match comments, Shane Warne, the Rajasthan captain, hit out at Ganguly's behavior and condemned his attitude toward the IPL's Spirit of Cricket agreement. Farrokh Engineer, the match referee, ruled that Ganguly's act of asking the umpire to refer a decision constituted a Level I offense according to the ICC's Code of Conduct. Warne wasn't spared either, though – he was found guilty of violating Section 1.7 of the ICC's Code of Conduct, which deals with “public criticism of, or inappropriate comment on, a match-related incident or official.” The referee also ruled that there was no reason for Kumar to accede to the plea to refer the decision, and hence suspended him for a game. Kumar is the second umpire to be suspended in the IPL. Amiesh Saheba was suspended for two matches following his comments about Sreesanth's behavior to Mumbai Mirror, a tabloid. Marshall twins hit tons New Zealander James Marshall and twin brother Hamish helped put the news of a suspected dislocated finger for England opener Alastair Cook into the shade with a century against Essex on Friday. The tourists warmed up for their first Test against England by finishing the first day of three on 348-9, thanks in large part to Marshall's century. Marshall's 128 came on the same day Hamish, who after limited chances with New Zealand has concentrated on country cricket, brought up a three-figure score for Gloucestershire 166 miles away in Bristol. With New Zealand set to face England in their first Test on May 15, it was James Marshall's display that has more significance. “It's nice to get a hundred early in the tour. I was just pleased with the way I constructed the innings on a surface that wasn't easy to bat on,” said James.