Shoura Council spokesman Mohammed Al-Mohanna has said that a recent meeting held with female consultant advisers did not discuss the subject of women driving in the Kingdom. The meeting, Al-Mohanna said, was instead a regular coordination gathering of Council members and women advisers in which they discussed areas of work within the Shoura. The subject of women driving, he added, has not been looked at by the Council and is not on the general sessions' agenda or that of specialized committees. Chairman of the Shoura's Islamic Affairs and Human Rights Committee Sheikh Azib Aal Musbil said, meanwhile, that the committee is considering a proposal brought by members of the Shoura concerning sexual harassment. The committee, Aal Musbil said, would consider all aspects of the proposal ahead of presenting it to the Shoura Council. “Cases of sexual harassment in the Kingdom are few,” Aal Musbil said.