Construction Products Holding Company (CPC) announced on Tuesday that it has increased its capital to SR1 billion. Dr. Faysal Alaquil, director, Business Development and Administrative Affairs said: “The Board of Directors of CPC held a special meeting for this purpose and approved the increase of the capital. This decision came in the context of achieving the optimal organizational structure that will enable the company to achieve its future planned business expansion in accordance with the escalating market demand.” The capital increase has been carried out by utilizing the current accounts of CPC's partners, which reflect part of the value of the fixed assets and factories already existing and operating, which are owned by the company in the Industrial zones in Jeddah, Bahra, and Riyadh and soon in Dammam. “This increase, gives the company greater financial strength and independence to enable us to expand our work within Saudi Arabia, and to meet the growing demand for construction materials. Particularly after the great confidence that have been obtained from contractors and developers in view of our strategy, which is based on a “One Stop Shop” for all construction needs through our industrial complexes in Saudi Arabia,” Alaquil said. CPC is a closed joint stock company founded in 2005 in Saudi Arabia. The company offers its customers a comprehensive range of construction and building materials. It also provides, through its subsidiaries and factories, specialized construction products ranging from ready-mix and precast concrete, steel, marble, granite, aluminum, glass, electric cables and all electromechanical works, interior designs, gypsum and finishing works, shipping, storage and all logistical services, all aiming to provide complete building materials and services under one umbrella.