A Saudi man divorced his wife after 20 years of happy marriage over a battle of a misyar marriage. The 51-year-old man kept his second misyar wife a secret for over a year, turning himself into an excuse generator whenever his first wife and children questioned his frequent prolonged absences. But the second secret marriage life came into light, when the first wife and her children went to spend some time at her family's home, the man took his second wife to the family farm. Bad enough for him, his sons paid him an unexpected visit at the farm, seeing their father with another woman. The father was forced to reveal the secret of his second marriage. When the news traveled fast to the first wife, she demanded immediate divorce for either her or the second wife. Reconciliation efforts failed to dissuade her from her resolve. The second wife had it all and eventually the man divorced his first wife. And the first wife had the house in her name. The misyar-hit man is now looking for a house for himself and his second wife.