It took Jeddah police four days to arrest two Bangladeshi nationals for raping and killing an Indonesian woman last Wednesday, police said. The body of the woman was found in a small box tied with ropes near the Stone Park in Baghdadiya. The woman was believed to have had an illegal relationship with one of the murderers. When the body was inspected at the scene, it was believed that the woman had been lying dead for 24 hours with blood coming out of her mouth, marks of strangulation on her neck, and her body was a mass of bruises. Chief of Jeddah police formed a detective team to gather more information as it seemed impossible to find leads at the scene of the crime to identify the woman or her killer. Nobody with her description was reported missing then that day. As the team gathered more information and followed tip-offs, the woman was identified as an Indonesian who overstayed her Haj visa. While the woman was illegally job-hopping from one family to another, she knew a Bangladeshi worker who eventually married her. The police investigated the husband who said his wife, Aisha, packed her suitcase and left their house a day before the crime. He said she did not tell him where she was going. In the course of investigation, the woman was found to have had a relationship with two Bangladeshi workers, raising suspicions of their involvement in the crime. They were brought in for investigation. One of the two suspects, named Macol, confessed that he had an illegal relationship with the woman, claiming that she willingly came to his house running away from her husband. He said he and his friend, Leton, had gang raped her until she fell on the ground bleeding. The two suspects are still being investigated. – Okaz __