Facebook on Friday said it is letting celebrities, businesses and others with public pages at the social-networking hotspot instantly turn status updates into tweets at Twitter. In coming days, Facebook will release software enabling managers of public pages to route updates automatically to the wildly popular micro-blogging service. Walls will remain between Twitter and personal Facebook profiles. “Twitter was a natural next step to link with Facebook Pages because it is a powerful tool for broadcasting short messages widely,” Facebook engineering intern Michael Gummelt said in a message at the firm's official website. “Celebrities may want to share personal news or charities may want to put out calls for help to both their Facebook fans and their Twitter followers, all at the same time,” Gummelt said. “If you manage a Facebook Page, you now will be able to decide whether to share updates with their Twitter followers,” Gummelt said. “You also will be able to control what type of updates to share: status updates, links, photos, notes, events or all of them.”