The Rajhi Consortium responsible for the Haramain train works has begun surveying the planned train track route to identify areas requiring clearance and compensation. Areas to the north of King Abdul Aziz Airport near the Pilgrims City exit are currently being assessed, with the planned route to commence at Abrag Al-Raghama in the east of Jeddah and the main station located between the Palestine Street and King Abdullah Street overpass. The Director General of Roads and Transport in Makkah, Mefrih Al-Zahrani, said over 500 properties had been found to be obstructing the route. They are now being assessed to determine the extent of compensation their owners are due before the premises are demolished. The opening of the route will also require a number of bridges and overpasses to be demolished and seven new ones built to link the east with the west of the city. A specialized company is also working on four designs for stations in Makkah, Madina, Jeddah and King Abdullah Economic City. The civil works on the rail tracks linking Makkah, Madina, King Abdullah Economic City and Jeddah started in the first week of this month, with the project costing over SR6 billion. Over 200 km away from Jeddah, meanwhile, 450 workers and technicians are working on paving for tracks in Rabegh. Technicians expect the initial phase of works to take three years, with plans comprising basic structure design and execution such as pavement and track, and the erection of bridges, crossings and concrete barriers along the track route. The train is expected to be in operation by the end of 2012.