The General Directorate of Health in Jeddah has launched an awareness campaign to inform the public on methods of protection against dengue fever. The directorate has issued the following information for the benefit of the public: • Dengue fever occurs due to infection by Flavivirus, which is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. • The use of mosquito repellents in bedrooms reduces the number of mosquitoes, but it does not prevent mosquito bites altogether. • The use of mosquito nets is essential if accommodation is not air-conditioned. • Residential zones should be cleared of areas of stagnant water. • Water in flowerpots should be changed at least once a week. Pots and trays should be thoroughly cleaned to eliminate mosquito eggs. • All water containers should be kept covered. Objects trapping rainwater should be disposed of. • Avoid unsupervised use of insecticides, and all use of toxic materials. • A doctor should be consulted immediately upon experiencing sudden high temperatures combined with headaches behind the eyes. __