A Filipino house worker jumped off a three-story building in Yanbu to escape from her employers who accused her of stealing jewelry, officials here said on Tuesday. Guiyana Kasan, 29, is receiving treatment at the female surgical ward of the Royal Commission Medical Center in Yanbu after sustaining fractures during her failed escape, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said. Kasan has told Philippine officials that her employers wrongfully accused her of stealing jewelry, which she claimed had been given to her, the DFA said. She added that her employers locked her up in the bathroom over the accusations, the DFA added. Consul General Ezzedin Tago requested a Filipino nurses' group in Yanbu to take care of the Filipina maid, the DFA said in a statement. “A team from the Consulate is due to visit her shortly,” the DFA said in the statement. Aside from looking into her health, a consular team will also look into Kasan's case, including the possibility of filing a case against her employers for maltreatment, the DFA statement added. Kasan is scheduled to undergo an operation at the hospital this week, the DFA said.