Driving throughout the world is a ‘death wish' at best, achieved successfully by international individuals of all genders and of all ages, shapes and sizes. The reputations of countries and cities are oftentimes determined by car speeds on rural and urban streets. Lack of concern for self and others identifies mentalities and obvious and hidden motivations for actions taken by the he or she at the wheel… tourists spread the word quickly and the peddle on the floor of a car, provides POWER for the driver which is expressed in terms of skill controls required… It is at no time impotent…. unlike the power of powers in the home….if you follow my drift. The wardrobe plays an important part within the many skills of the driver. The required gutras flapping inside the car due to the AC provides the driver with an off and on one eye view of what is happening outside the car. The driver finds himself doing a mini disco movement dance in the front seat while struggling to get a clear view in mirrors on either side… The driver may have a lapse in wheel control… run over one leaf from a tree…. then a second and finally plow into the sturdy trunk of a palm tree on Oleya…. then…. we know there IS the MOBILE! The Mobile is the Devil in disguise in the hands of the driver. It is a tool for evil in the hands of any driver… It is shame point for technology… and it is a popular… and it is growing… as are the burials… You may glance out of your window and see a young man on the Mobile…. The young man is saying to his wife, “I lo,,, ,,,” when he is suddenly cut off because he slowed down and a giant truck smashed into his rear …. As it were… The Mobile did it!!! A quick glance at cars coming and going, you will see that all drivers are at the Mobile. car one is glancing at car two, who is flirting with car three, who is smiling coily at car four, who is smiling with sympathy at car five and so on. It is all virtually a Car Ballet out of control with no leading figures… All moving gracefully towards a seven car pile up! Ooops. Driver should have listened to their mother when they left home. Always listen to mother. Now we skip our attention to the cigarette smoker. We watch him closely in the large front mirror painted in the colors of the rainbow… the driver is having trouble making the lighter light to light. Right… The driver, however, is determined to satisfy his addiction… Determined! He takes his eye away from the road, looks lovingly at himself and the cigarette in the mirror. He is so intent… that for a fraction of a second he is quite cross-eyed! There, the cigarette is lit and his right fender nicks a bicycle secured to a pole which breaks in two, the top section falling into a No Smoking elegant shop. the cigarette also breaks in two, burning the thobe. And the future of driving looks so bright. Authorities are warning us now that within the next one hundred years… women will be driving. Here she comes! The veil is on. She is looking in no direction and perchance she is remembering her last holiday with her family in London. Rain had stopped, but thick fog prevented really enjoying Big Ben … Aha… no veil. Her beauty parlor beauty being admired by the international drivers on the road, the young and the old. Mild home submission has turned into an aggressive attack born out of a new identity to squash the male, revenge? Equality will blossom while the police look the other way with a new found vigor. Alas … churning, turning world. __