The two officers of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice didn't change their vehicle after the Khalil crash had occurred last month on Madina, said Sultan Bin Zahim, lawyer of the two Commission officers, refuting allegations raised to support this claim. The officers are now being held for the crash case in which four people were killed after being allegedly chased by a Commission SUV. The lawyer said that an eyewitness provided the police with the license plate number of the same SUV the officers were driving when the Ford, which they were allegedly pursuing, swerved and hit a roadside farm killing its four passengers. The Commission officers didn't stop at the scene of the crash because they feared they would be accused of causing it, Zahim said. A source at the General Investigation and Prosecution Authority said that the Commission officers abused their power while on duty because of ‘get tough' mentality. No further explanation was given on the type of power abuse. He added that the General Investigation and Prosecution Authority has the right to investigate the four deaths in the crash. The police investigations with the two officers have been referred to the Authority to look into the case, he said. – Okaz __