Sheikh Wasiullah Abbas, professor at the Umm Al-Qura University who also regularly gives classes at the Masjid Al-Haram, will be teaching the next online course on Fiqh at The Sheikh will teach the first chapter “Kitab At-Taharah” from the book “Ad-Durrar Al-Bahiyyah” of Imam Ash-Shawkani. The six-week certificate course costs $30 and has limited seat availability. Students are required to attend two classes per week. The Online Intensive Courses of Albaseerah make it possible for an English audience to learn Islam. The OIC team translates lectures bit-by-bit into English, provides notes, review questions and quizzes to ensure proper learning. Further, the staff is available 24 hours to help and clarify student questions. The Qur'an and Sunnah Society of New York, known as Albaseerah, started the OIC courses last month. Sheikh Abdullah Al-Ghadyan, member of the Council of Senior Ulema of Saudi Arabia, taught the book “Qawa'id Al-Arbaa”. Students from 15 different countries attended this Aqeedah course. Albaseerah makes it possible for people around the world to learn directly from the Senior Ulema, Imams of the Two Holy Mosques, and professors of reputed Islamic universities at Makkah, Madina and Riyadh. Some of the most notable scholars who have lectured online include the Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Aal Al-Sheikh, Sheikh Saleh Al-Fowzan, Sheikh Saleh Al-Luhaydan, and Sheikh Ali Al