year-old woman who lapsed into a coma during a flight from Riyadh to Bisha has criticized the airport authorities' emergency response after the woman was not attended to by a doctor until nearly an hour after the plane landed. “Bisha airport was notified by the pilot that an ambulance and doctor were required,” said the father of the woman, “but we had to wait 45 minutes at Bisha airport for a doctor and an hour and a half before an ambulance took her to hospital.” The woman, who was traveling with her father and brothers, reportedly went into a coma during the Saudi Arabian Airlines flight from King Khaled Airport in Riyadh to Bisha. Sources said that Saudia staff at the airport made numerous calls to guarantee the presence of a doctor and ambulance when the aircraft arrived. The Red Crescent reportedly did not respond. Saeed Al-Huwaifi, Director of Saudi Arabian Airlines in Bisha, said that a meeting was being organized with the governor of Bisha, airport officials, Saudia representatives, Red Crescent staff and the Ministry of Health to lay out procedures to avoid similar incidents in the future.