Otaibi, otherwise known as Abu Kaab, has finally come to an end with the Court of Cassation accepting a verdict by a lower court sentencing him to 20 years in prison and 3,000 lashes for being responsible for the deaths of three people during a stunt driving incident in Jeddah four years ago. What has not come to an end, however, is the plight of young people in the Kingdom, growing up with tremendously strong influences streaming in via satellite TV and the Internet. On the other hand, young people are given very little outlet for self-expression and pure fun, a situation that pushes many into the dangerous hobby of stunt driving and drag racing in deserted areas around Jeddah and other major cities. Recent studies have shown that the human brain does not fully come into its own as a rational decision-maker until its owner is well into his or her twenties, an age far greater than was previously thought. This new piece of information helps to explain the rambunctious and at times irritatingly thoughtless behavior of teenagers and some young adults. It is easy to disdain some behavior as “immature” but it is different when we are aware of the fact that such immaturity is not a choice but a manifestation of brain development. Teenagers, more than anything else, are usually on the look out for fun. In its many guises, fun generally has no rational explanation. It is contained in and of itself. Stunt driving does not serve any purpose other than fun. Yes, there may be some ego obsessions woven into it but the main point is pure, irrational fun. “Fun,” however, does not have to exist on the edge of a blade where small mistakes and miscalculations can end in extreme injury or death. It is up to the Kingdom to provide outlets for youthful energy, whether it is through expanded sports programs, opportunities for expression through poetry and other writing that reflects the true reality of the young, and other hobby-oriented programs that will allow the Kingdom's young to excel in an environment conducive to their ages and their realities. Simply outlawing stunt driving will not work. __