known poet Anwar Masood, popular for his humorous verses, will preside over the forthcoming grand Mushairah (poetic session) organized by Aalami Urdu Markaz, Athar Abbasi the president of the literary society, said here Wednesday. The All Pakistan Mushairah promises to be a star-studded event with renowned poets like Iftikhar Arif, Pirzada Qasim, Rasa Chughtai, Izhar-ul Haq, Saleem Kausar and Zahoor-ul Islam Jawaid reciting their verses alongside a selected group of local Urdu poets. Zahid Tractors are the main sponsors of the event. “We hope it will even be more memorable than the last year's mushairah” Abbasi said. The mushairah is scheduled on Thursday, April 16 at the Pakistan International School, Aziziyya District, Jeddah . Entry shall be by invitation only for which Athar Abbasi (0504851972) can be contacted directly.