Though the ruling Congress party in Andhra Pradesh took the pain of categorically declaring the caste breakup of the candidates for the state assembly and the Lok Sabha elections, it only accentuating the frustration and anger of the lower classes that they have been once again deprived their due share in the tickets. Of the 290 candidates for assembly elections, announced by the Congress high command, 141 seats have gone to the upper castes including Reddys Kammas, Kshatriyas, Vysyas, Velmas and others. Thus the caste groups who have around 15% of the population in the state have got almost 45% of the tickets. Even among them the biggest share of 87 seats or 30% has gone to Reddys who are known to dominate the Congress party. On the other hand, the backward classes which constitute 50% of the population have got 66 seats or about 20% of the tickets, a big letdown given the promise of the Congress leadership to give them at least 100 or one third of the total assembly seats. The deprivation has evoked a strong reaction from the BCS. BC Welfare association president R Krishnaiah said a gross injustice was done to the BCs. “The government had passed a resolution in favor of providing 33% reservations to the BCs in legislature. But the Congress has failed to keep the same promise in its own list”, he said. He warned that if the Congress does not modify the list and ensure justice to the BCs, it will have to pay a heavy price in the elections.