Standing outside in the scorching 30° C weather Indian parents lined up outside the International Indian School (IIS) Friday, with some saying they started waiting since 9 A.M. in order to get a form to enroll their children in the kindergarten programs for 400 students, when the doors open at 5 P.M. Saudi Gazette staff estimated there were close to 500-600 parents lined up. One parent, Khalid Farooq said the system needs to be better organized based on his experiences from last year. “What we suggest is a system of tokens to be provided at the front desk so that we don't have to wait out here and leave everything we are doing.” Another parent and an ex-student of the IIS, said he was not going to wait outside the school anymore. “If you see the line, I think this year I won't be able to put my children in this school,” said Syed Farooq. “If it continues like this, it will be very difficult for parents to get (their children) admission into this school. It's only three o'clock but everyone has to stand in the sun so they should (come up with) something else.” Syed Farooq suggests perhaps providing more days for parents to get the forms. “This way is not an option,” Farooq added. – SG photo by Michael Bou