A panel of three judges at a General Court here Monday sentenced two men to 18 years in prison and 6,000 lashes each for armed robbery of a local bank in Hail six months ago. The two men, brothers who worked as security personnel of the bank they stole, netted nearly SR2 million from their robbery. On the day of his dismissal from the bank, one of the brothers took the gun from his accomplice brother as he was maintaining his ground at the bank's main entrance, sneaking through the backdoor a few minutes before closing time at 5 P.M. As his accomplice brother was locking the main entrance gate, the man stormed into the bank brandishing his gun at the bank employees and guards who were closing the business day records and were stacking about SR2 million in ATM cash boxes. Both brothers took the boxes and fled to Eastern Province from where they were arrested with the stolen money in their possession.