Can a person in debt, whose financial condition does not allow him to repay it at present, marry if he gets the required money in future, to protect his chastity? Should he repay the debt first or marry? A – It is obligatory that the person repays his debt first and marry after that. However, if the creditors allow him to marry before repaying the debts, it will be permissible for him to marry first. With regard to protecting himself from temptation, he may fast. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 0 young people! Whoever among you is able to marry, should marry, as marriage would help him lower his gaze and keep his chastity. Whoever is not able to marry, then it is recommended for him to fast, as fasting would diminish his sexual urge. – The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts Sincerity as an employee Q- How can we be sincere at work? Is sincerity part of the Amanah (honesty, trust, and obedience) mentioned in the Qur'an? A – Being sincere when working as an employee or someone who is hired to do a job means to perform the work in accordance with what is required and agreed to in the work contract or by the employment system. It is part of the Amanah that is obligatory to fulfill, as Allah said: “Verily, Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due.” – The Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Verdicts Divorce is no joke Q- Will a woman be divorced if her husband jokingly said to her: “You are divorced.”? A – Whoever jokingly divorces, then his divorce is applicable as long as he intended a divorce. And if he was joking with his wife and said to her: “You are divorced!,” then, by that, she is divorced. The issues of divorce, Nikah (marriage) and freeing a slave are serious, (and not something to be joked about). Whoever accepts the Nikah contract and (then) says: “I was (only) joking,” then this statement is not acceptable. Because he agreed to the contract (of Nikah) out of his own will. (Therefore), the marriage is confirmed. Similarly, whoever divorces jokingly, his divorce is applicable as long as he intended a divorce. If he was joking with his wife and said to her: “You are divorced,” then she is divorced because of that. We are of the opinion that people should be cautious in these matters and not play around with divorce. – Sheikh Bin Uthaymeen; Fatawa Noorun Ala Ad-Darb - Volume 2, Page 117. Mother refuses proposal Q- I am a 24-year-old girl seeking a solution to my problem. A young man, who finished college and comes from a religious family, sent a proposal for me. My father agreed to him and asked me to come and see him. We both saw each other and liked. (We saw each other) because our religion has stated that I should see him and he should see me. However, when my mother knew that he was from a religious family, she became harsh and swore that such a marriage would never take place in anyway. My father earnestly tried to persuade her, but to no avail. Do I have the right to seek the law to intervene in this matter? A – If the matter is as you have mentioned in your question, then your mother has no right to make any objection. Indeed, such a stance is forbidden. You are not obliged to obey your mother in this. This is because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Obedience is in what is good and right.” Rejecting a suitable proposal is not from “what is good and right.” In fact, it has been narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “If one whose religion and character pleases you proposes to you, you should marry him. If you do not do so, there will be corruption in the land and great evil.” If you need to take your matter to a court of law, you would not be wrong in doing so. – Sheikh Bin Baz; Fatawa Al