Zahid Tractor has launched the new Caterpillar M Series Motor Grader in Saudi Arabia recently. Zahid opened the facility in Riyadh on March 26 that was attended by a number of local and international companies. The new machine features a number of revolutionary concepts in motor grader designs, most notably a pair of joysticks, replacing as many as 15 levers, and a steering wheel. Caterpillar designed the M-series joystick control system to make the motor grader easier to operate and less fatiguing. The new M-series joystick-operated electro-hydraulic control system simplifies control and reduces operator arm and hand movements by as much as 78 percent. The system helps operators sustain high levels of efficiency throughout the work day, and the intuitive control design makes training fast and simple for both new and experienced operators. The M-series all-wheel-drive option delivers 52 percent more torque than the H-series system. M Series provides infinite front wheel speed control from 0 to 8 km/h per hour for enhanced control when working in tight areas. Variable Horsepower (VHP) is now standard on all M-series models, with this change; the M-series machines are more productive than their H