CRITICIZING the media coverage of the Mumbai blasts, Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Pakistan, said that it has been a continuous struggle of Pakistan to counter propaganda against it stemming from various sources, including the media. “News from here and there always crops up against Pakistan; we have to keep convincing people of the true facts and the situation,” he said, in an exclusive interview to Saudi Gazette. The minister was on a visit to the Kingdom for the recently held OIC meet in Jeddah. “We condemn terrorism of any kind. But if something is imposed on us and requires us to compromise on our sovereignty, then we will not hesitate to take action to protect ourselves,” he said. On the issue of non-state actors, Khan said the origin or country of the militant does not matter as boundaries become non-existent when the aim is to create disturbances. “So in that view, if someone unofficially reports that a certain individual or group owns up to the crime, we can't accept it unless there is substantial evidence provided. Instead of commenting on these situations, we have to understand how to react,” he said. He said Pakistan was the first nation to condemn the attacks on Mumbai. “We are ready to cooperate with the inquiry, but if we are forced to take certain steps which will hamper our integrity, then we will not do it. We have our own laws and are following the UN resolution regarding terror organizations,” Khan said, adding that all political parties are acting together demonstrating that Pakistan is capable of acting as one nation. Reiterating his country's stand as a peace loving nation, Khan said that Pakistan does not support any kind of terrorism, but will take firm steps if faced with any aggression. Condemning the ongoing Israeli offensive in Palestine, he said: “We have always insisted that Israel, no matter what, should withdraw from Palestine. The present condition is deplorable and it is a violation of all types of human rights and laws.” He said the outcome of the OIC meeting was positive. “Everyone had the feeling that words won't be enough, so it does appear that there will be some favorable action and the world will see the strength of the Muslim countries soon,” Khan said. “The OIC is mounting pressure on the UN Security Council, the US and the European Union. We shall see the results soon,” he added. He said the international community must redouble its efforts for promoting a “peaceful, just and durable settlement for the Palestinian issue on the basis of the ‘land for peace' principle. We support the Quartet Initiative and the Arab peace plan, there is certainly a need to enhance unity and cohesion within the Palestinian ranks,” Khan said.