Mishal Al-Otaibi Saudi Gazette MAKKAH — The Ministry of Labor (MOL) is running an inspection campaign to ensure all expatriate workers offering services to pilgrims are legal residents and have necessary permits. The ministry has launched the campaign titled “Kun Nithami” (Be Orderly) to check for seasonal work permits and visas. “The ministry prioritizes the welfare of the pilgrims and aims to ensure all services offered near the Grand Mosque and the pilgrimage sites are safe. The ministry is especially monitoring food stores and eateries to protect pilgrims from food poisoning,” said a source from the ministry. The source said the ministry has established a temporary inspection office near the Grand Mosque to streamline the process of reporting and penalizing possible violations. “The ministry had carried out a similar campaign last Haj season which had been highly successful. The campaign is being organized with the cooperation of several government directorates and members of the public by reporting any violations sighted,” said the source. Meanwhile, police turned back 111,856 people traveling to Makkah without Haj permits between Aug. 10 and Sept. 3. The Makkah Department of Traffic Security reported 41,835 vehicles carrying people without permits were stopped from entering the holy city during the period. The security forces would continue the inspection campaign until Sept. 23, officials said. All Saudi or non-Saudi pilgrims are obliged to obtain a Haj permit from the authorities to perform the pilgrimage and anyone without official authorization will not be allowed to enter the holy city until the Haj is over. Expatriates with residence permits issued in other cities but are assigned to work in Makkah are required to obtain special work permits for the season.