Shooting flawlessly, Mitsubishi Elevators built a big lead and then held on to it for a 20-7 win over the Alsalam.Aero to bag the week's best team award in the 14th week action of the NestO Hyper Market Saturday Family Bowling League, Second Conference at the InterCon Riyadh Hotel Bowling Center. Likewise, the unstoppable Eddie Eder burned the lanes to pick once again the male Bowler of the Week award while Lulu Quejada sparkled to emerge as the best female bowler of the week. Vicky Vitug sizzled from beyond the arc as Mitsubishi Elevators downed Alsalam.Aero 924-882 in the first game. Vitug accounted for 800 series in four games.Willie Ortega, Ferdie Ramos and Bernie Magbag also played major roles for Mitsubishi Elevators by contributing series of 793, 726 and 719 points, respectively. Jett Cabana added 561 points while Joe Ligon had 198 in one game outing. Eddie Eder added another feather to his cap when he claimed his back-to-back male Bowler of the Week award by posting a towering four game series scratch of 864 points (201, 246, 192 and 225). Also sparkling for Alsalam.Aero was Freddie Aquino, who toppled a four-game series of 862 points. Rizal Dellosa seared the lanes to score 735 points while Atoi Ramos downed 664 points. Alsalam.Aero playing with blind female player tallied a total team handicap output of 3,645 points. Cecille Solomon powered ABB Tribe to demolish Fathi Bowlers 19-4. Solomon led the ABB Tribe by knocking down a series of 824 points. Also shining for the ABB Tribe were the trio of Benny Mondoy, Louie Laguardia and Glenn Espiritu. Mondoy fired 765 points while Laguardia and Espiritu submitted 729 and 720 points, respectively. Aurel Farinas scored 699 points. Veteran Wilson Bacala led the Fathi Bowlers by toppling 787 points while following him was the duo of Edgar Buenaventura and Doy del Moral. They posted an identical series of 740 in four outings. Novice Jane Buenaventura and Seagram Collado chipped in with 565 and 371 points while Fathi Abdulaziz had 361 series in two games. Conor Express rolled past Natcom Strikers 15-10 through the heroics of Ben Valdez (786), Danny Gonzales (717) and Ellen Bernabe (707). Joel Lambo, Alex Tajan, Buddy Balisi and Henry Pablo shared separate series of 386, 375 and 370. Onar Garcia and Pat Nave scored 764 and 742 points, respectively, for Natcom Strikers. Fellow Benito Santos, Marlon Pagulayan and Romy Cabrillas sealed 570, 528 and 508 points. Jonathan Banayag chipped in with 394 in two games. Gran Matador Next Generation dismantled Ericsson 13-5 thanks to the games of Rodel Molina and Ronald Bautista. They posted series of 791 and 720, respectively. Prima Abulencia had 655 points. For the Ericsson, Ric Tugonon was on top with 782 points followed by the Female Bowler of the Week, Lulu Quejada, with 742 series in four games. Loel Soriano scored 704 points. In other matches: Abante Kami nipped X-Treme 10-8; League leader David Lloyd Strikers routed Fuji Elevators 10-5. The Filipino Bowling Group of Riyadh (FBGR) is organized the event, which is also being supported by the Sky Freight-ABS-CBN The Filipino Channel (TFC). Standings (Week 14): 1. David Lloyd Strikers 175, 2. Conor Express 171, 3. Mitsubishi Elevators 170, 4. Ericsson 168, 5. Gran Matador Next Generation 162, 6. Natcom Strikers 158, 7. Fathi Bowlers 148, 8. Alsalam.Aero 141, 9. ABB Tribe 138, 10. Abante Kami 135, 11. X-Treme Strikers 118, 12. Fuji Elevators 105. __