Joyce Meyer once said that teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges. After parents, teachers are the greatest influence in child's life. They not only have impact on our education or career, but on our lives too. They work hard on students even though the students don't appreciate them, and in return they only ask of you is to do your best throughout your lives. You may often notice how beautiful your teacher is dressed, the way she talks and gives you homework. At other times she scolds you and punishes you for misbehaving in the classroom, and you feel angry and cross. How does she benefit either by loving you or sometimes scolding you? You teacher is neither your mother nor you father then why do they care? A teacher is never an ordinary person. Teachers are heroes! They wake up every morning and no matter how tired they feel they come to school and smile at you. They remember the name of every student they teach, and the number may rise up to 100. They work on each and every student individually and discover their hidden talents. They answer your every question, no matter how many times you ask. They teach you from right to wrong, the values to live in this world, and listen to your stories, your problems and help you find their solutions. They inspire your entire lives. Your dreams begin with a teacher who motivates you to go for it and guides you in the right direction. There are so many friends out there who want to become teacher when they grow up, and their inspiration is their teacher. Every other profession whether doctor or engineer are all taught or by a teacher. “Through my interaction with kids, it has given me an insight of their psychology. I have got to know how their brain works and how they perceive life. It has given me a sense of pride thinking that these kids will become future doctors, engineers, architects or something more. I would be glad that I played a little yet a very important part in their lives,” said Huda Soherwardy, a teacher at Al- Furat Model School Another teacher Wafa Abdul Azeem said: “Success of students is my triumph. I fell in love with teaching while trying to attain my dream of higher education. I am a teacher, but I am a learner too. Teaching taught me that nothing is impossible. It taught me not to give up on dreams and to say yes I can! And, yes I did.” Teachers find their personal success seeing you achieving your dreams. They are second parents, motivators, dreamers, achievers and above all our mentors. We should learn to be grateful to them and appreciate what they are doing for our betterment. Let us all applaud for the hard work they are doing and say “Thank You Teacher.”