MUMBAI — Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has been discharged from the hospital after undergoing knee surgery. The 49-year-old actor is on bed rest for four days after the operation on Friday, NDTV reported. SRK, who was shooting for Rahul Dholakia's “Raees” despite the pain, thanked his fans on Twitter Saturday and also joked about his previous visits to the hospital. “Do they do Fequent Fliers Miles in Hospitals? If yes, I would own some of the hospitals! Thx all for standing by me as I pray on my knees,” the star tweeted. Sanjay Desai, the doctor who operated on the “Happy New Year” star, said, “SRK has undergone Arthroscopic surgery of left knee at Breach Candy Hospital. Mr. Khan has been suffering from repeated pain and swelling of left knee over the last several months... He has recovered well.” SRK, who also shot Yash Raj Films' “Fan” despite health Issues, is expected to resume shooting after a short break. The actor had hurt his knee while promoting the Farah Khan-directed “Happy New Year” last year. - Agencies