JEDDAH — The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is holding a two-day Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on “The Role of Intra-Regional Trade in Strengthening Regional Cooperation among IDB Member Countries” at its headquarters in Jeddah. The EGM, which concludes today (Wednesday) brings together experts from member countries and international institutions to discuss intra-regional trade dynamics and its impact on economic cooperation among member countries in the context of changing political and social scenarios in many of these countries, fragile global economy, and pressing economic and social needs for inclusive economic growth. The meeting also discusses success stories and lessons learnt from various regional trade initiatives launched to promote economic cooperation as well as identify the role of regional and international organizations in this regard. The event is attended by experts from UN Economic Commission for Europe, International Road Transport Union, World Customs Organization, International Trade Center, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, Cornell University, European University Institute, Islamic Center for Development of Trade, Africa Export Import Bank, External Trade Development Corporation, and the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (member of IDB Group). The outcome of the Expert Group Meeting is expected to be discussed at the IDB Annual Symposium on the same topic which will be held in conjunction with the 40th Annual Meeting of the IDB Group's Board of Governors in Maputo, Mozambique on June 10, 2015. The Board of Governors is the highest policy-making body of the IDB Group comprising ministerial representatives of the IDB 56 member countries, and it meets each year to review the activities of the Bank and decide on future policies. — SG