MUMBAI - Bollywood actor Salman Khan turned five on microblogging site Twitter yesterday and he tweeted a belated acknowledgment late Monday night. Salman thanked his brother Arbaaz Khan who is believed to be the reason the actor joined Twitter: “5 yrs on twitter! Thx to arbaaz,” the actor Tweeted while also thanking his Dabangg co-star actress Sonakshi Sinha in another tweet. #5YearsOfSalmanOnTwitter trended on Twitter yesterday with congratulatory messages from fans pouring in. Salman, who made his debut as leading man in “Maine Pyar Kiya” and has recently starred in blockbusters such as “Dabangg,” “Kick,” “Bodyguard” and “Ek Tha Tiger,” has been on Twitter since April 2010, just a few months before the release of the blockbuster “Dabangg.” Since then, he's gathered 11.4 million followers and has put out 41,500 tweets. - Agencies