As part of this year's plan to ensure afety of all pilgrims, live audiovisual orientation programs are shown to pilgrims in several languages, including Arabic, English, Urdu and French. The programs broadcast live coverage of the stoning ritual at Jamrat Bridge over more than 700 television screens set up inside the tents in Mina. According to Omar Sulimani, a member of the South Asia Tawafa Organization, the idea is to show pilgrims which areas are the most crowded before they head to Al-Jamrat Bridge. “The South Asia Tawafa group is the biggest Tawafa organization. Every Haj, the organization's tents are provided with live broadcast to warn pilgrims of congestion in certain areas,” Sulimani said. Sulimani added that each LCD is linked with a network of eight cameras near Al-Jamrat Bridge. Suliamni believes that the live coverage of Al-Jamrat achieves the goals of orienting pilgrims and advised all Tawafa establishmentss to employ the same service next year. Many pilgrims could be seen watching the monitors, and they commended the facilities provided by the Ministry of Haj and the Tawafa organizations.