RIYADH — Minister of Health Ahmed Al-Khatib has issued directives to establish a National Center for Patient Safety linked to the Saudi Health Council, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday. A committee will be formed to prepare all aspects related to the center under the chairmanship of Dr. Tawfiq Khoja, Director General of the Executive Office of the Council of GCC Ministers of Health. Members of the committee will include experts from all health sectors, international experts and a number of international health organizations. The center will formulate and develop a national strategy on patient safety and conduct studies on current patient safety practices. A short-term and long-term plan with specific timeframe will be laid down after evaluating the current situation and specifying priorities. A system for monitoring medical errors will be set up to ascertain the root causes behind them. The center will work toward adopting standards so as to guarantee patient safety and reduce medical errors. The center will also support the development of medical and health policies and practices related to patient safety in all categories and levels of health institutions. It will work to create awareness about patient safety and exchange expertise and information on the aspects of preventive and curative healthcare as well as rehabilitation at the national, regional and global levels. It will provide consultations on how to take measures for patient safety at health institutions. It will help health institutions evaluate the progress in adopting and carrying out patient safety initiatives and encourage self-reporting by health institutions. The National Center for Patients' Safety will coordinate with the related authorities like the Saudi Council for Accrediting Health Facilities, administrations in different health sectors, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and Saudi Food and Drug Authority.