Saudi Gazette report JEDDAH — The new reduced tariffs for landline and mobile calls will only benefit the service providers and not the consumers, according to a senior official of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC). The commission reduced prices to seven halalas a minute for landline calls and 15 for mobiles. “The reduced rates are only for the Kingdom's three main services providers, which are STC, Mobily and Zain,” said Dhaifulllah Al-Zahrani, CITC's deputy governor for legal affairs. He told local daily Al-Madina on Tuesday that the new prices announced by the CITC on Monday affect the fees a service provider gets for allowing its competitors' customers to use its network coverage. Daifullah expected the decision to be in effect within 60 days and hoped that the savings would also be passed to the consumers. He said he was hoping that the new reduced rates among service providers would also include the customers in the next stage.