LAHORE — Yet in another act against freedom of expression, Pakistani actor/director Hamza Ali Abbasi's profile on facebook was temporarily deactivated and a status was removed a status in which he had condemned the attack at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris last week. The actor — after he got access to his account — posted a photo of the deleted status along with a Facebook notification, which stated that Abbasi's post had violated the social networking website's community standards. Abbasi told Dawn that the West needs to fix its definition of freedom of speech. "I post so many controversial things on my Facebook, I believe in voicing my opinion. It's just funny that their selective freedom of speech caused them to delete only this particular post of all things."
CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg called the removal of the post "a mistake" when Facebook user, Angelic Munni, asked him what he had to say about it. Zuckerberg responded: "I don't think this should have been blocked. Our team might have made a mistake. Justin, can you look into this?" — SG