The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has issued decisions permitting women to work as expeditors and handle public services in government agencies that have sections for women. Ministry branches and agencies have been informed of the approval and the ministry has authorized the Undersecretary for Internal Trade to approve applications from Saudi women for ministry permission to work as expeditors. Expeditors handle official paperwork for government agencies on behalf of companies or individuals, a role which was previously reserved for males. The move comes as the Ministry of Commerce and Industry makes amendments and new regulations to facilitate women's transactions in public agencies. Changes also include permitting women and female students to practice all commercial and business activities in contracting, real estate, cleaning and maintenance, as well as having their own real estate offices if the establishments they run are exclusively for women. Women may also manage their businesses by themselves if the business place is devoted to women. If the business is in a public place then a manager should be employed according to Shariah rules. The go-ahead has also been given for businesswomen to open new business branches without recourse to the ministry, as is the case with businessmen, and they may now transfer ownership of their establishments without the need for ministry consent but are required to keep their registration numbers. The decision does not apply to establishments whose owners are deceased unless the establishment or the business is transferred to an inheritor, in which case ministry approval is required. The ministry said the changes are aimed at simplifying procedures for businesswomen in setting up new businesses, following instructions from the Council of Ministers to increase business opportunities for women in accordance with Shariah.