With reference to the article 'Islam and the West' by Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi (July 23), we thank Dr. Ghamdi for highlighting the active role of Dr. Francis Lamand, the president of Islam and the West based in France. He has done great work for the Muslims in Europe in general and in France in particular. The Pakistan Repatriation Committee (PRC) is lucky to have dignitaries like Dr. Lamand, Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef, the ex-secretary general of the Muslim World League, Dr. Al-Ghamdi, Khaled Almaeena who have raised the voice of stranded Pakistanis whose rights are deprived by our government. I hope Nawaz Sharif will take action to settle them in Pakistan as soon as possible. Syed Shahid Iqbal, Online response II. I would like to thank Dr. Al-Ghamdi for highlighting the role of Western support for stranded Pakistanis. Special thanks goes to Dr. Francis Lamand, the president of Islam and West, for taking pains and putting efforts for the stranded Pakistani in Bangladesh. FOF, Online response