Treat housemaids like human beings and they will behave like human beings. It does not make a lot of sense to mistreat them, fail to pay them, enslave them and then tell them to care for your children. I am quite happy with the performance of our housemaid. She is always paid on time, cared for and respected and she has done a great job since the very first day she was with us. Praising a person for a job well done does not cost anything! José David The sponsor and the worker must work with each other. There should always be open communication. Treat your helpers right and they will do what is right. Youssof Cyrian Lumuma Why employ housemaids if you cannot trust them? Before employing them, you already knew what particular chores you wanted them to do. It's not their fault that you don't know more about them; it's your duty to know who they are by having conversations and good relations with them. Reine Gerali Baquiano Looking at events taking place in the Middle East, the question should actually be: How much should housemaids trust their employers? Fawaz Moinuddin To resolve the issue of domestic workers, there is only one solution. The Shoura Council should pass a law allowing Saudi employers to hire only female Saudi citizens as their housemaids. If there are no foreign housemaids in Saudi Arabia, the police and other authorities will have nothing more to worry about and there will be no domestic violence and abuse. Bong Umpa