As the holy month of Ramadan approaches, we should start organizing ourselves beforehand in order to have more time and energy for prayers and reading the Qur'an. We can fill our freezers with marinated chicken and fish and cut peppers and spinach so that we can prepare fast and healthy meals while keeping in mind the favorite dishes of all the members of the family. We can also start distributing chores to the children who apart from cleaning their bedrooms can be responsible for ironing and helping with washing clothes. One child can be responsible for putting everything back in place before going to bed. Children can be given small incentives such as extra time on the Internet if they are obedient and work efficiently. If everyone helps out, it will bring the members of the family closer together and it will remind them that mother is not a machine or a servant but the queen of the house. Only an organized woman can run a house efficiently and smoothly by providing food on time, clothes washed and ironed, neat and clean beds and organized cupboards. And last but not the least, as a wife you should take care of yourself by updating your looks for the celebration of Eid after the holy month. Maria Khan