With the craze for pet animals increasing by the day, some are asking what motivates young men or women to spend time and money to care for these friendly beasts of leisure. It has become common to see young men or women carrying small dogs or cats in their arms, and some say that a life of luxury and a feeling of emptiness in people's lives are responsible for the popularity of pets in the home. Pet dogs particularly are a fashion statement and people are willing to pay high prices for the flashiest breeds. After a bitter divorce, Manal, a young woman, found consolation in a French breed of small dog which she acquired for $2,500. Manal said she wasn't sure if she was imitating Westerners or not, but said she enjoyed the companionship the dog gave her. She spends SR3,000 a month on her dog's needs, the equivalent of three salaries for home-helpers. The money goes on shampoo and imported dog food. Not included in her estimate are veterinarians' bills, which also run into three figures. Manal's friends have a passion for Siamese cats. One of them pampers her cat with a baby pram and has a special handbag for its accessories and brushes. Cat food costs SR50 per tin. Young Saudi men tend to prefer aggressive canines to attract attention and catch the eyes of girls. Pet animals are also popular with children, who like to breed birds such as pigeons, parrots and canaries, and they also have a fondness for rabbits. Saeed works in a pet shop selling mostly cats, dogs and birds. He keeps an address list of all his customers so that veterinarians can keep an eye on how the animals are being cared for and give advice when necessary. Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Ameri, a King Abdul Aziz University sociology professor, said that pets can help children improve certain skills and aptitudes, while older people may indulge themselves with a pet in order to attract attention or imitate famous people. He said that from personal observation people who keep birds, cats and rabbits prefer a quiet life, while those who have dogs tend to display more energetic and emotional characters. – Okaz __