A report distributed to members of the Shoura Council on Monday revealed high rates of absence, with one member skipping 31 sessions out of a possible 42, an absence rate of 74 percent for the three-month period of the report. Three members were absent for the entire three months due to sickness, the report showed. Other members recorded a 100 percent attendance rate as others ranged between 40 and 95 percent. Urgent leaves accounted for 108 absences, 14 were due to illness, official assignments caused 116 absences, 524 were “excused” absences, and failure to attend sessions in their entirety registered 819 cases. Straightforward “no-shows” numbered 43. However, the report shows an overall attendance rate of 85 percent. Sources say attendance is monitored every three months instead of every six as was previously done, and that it is taken into account when membership renewal comes up for consideration. – Okaz __