This is in response to the report “Translating Friday sermon for expats” in Saudi Gazette (April 28). All his life our father insisted we read, understand and think what the Holy Qur'an is saying. He wished Pakistani Muslims would understand the meaning of Salah and of Khutba as made mandatory by Islam. For that he tried his best but in vain. Islam in Pakistan is all rituals than a way of life. Most people yawn during Khutba on Jumma as well as Eid. Before 1947 the visionary of Pakistan and poet of the future M. Iqbal said you appear Nasara and have a Hindu culture that puts Yahud to shame. Independence has made no difference. M. S. Alamgir Dar, via online The message of Islam The message of Islam is for Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Let all people know, appreciate, understand and implement the truth. If a translator can help expatriate Muslims understand better then let them learn from him. They are the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia and will be helping to spread the message. Irfan Ahmed, via online Excellent idea It would be very useful and eventually spark an interest in all expatriates, who are non-Arabic speaking like me, of coming to the masjid as early as possible hoping to sit down and listen the Imam s sermon attentively. The attention would be given due to the fact that the expat would have a proper understanding of the Khutba. Even if it is not in the specific languages, there could be a simple start of translating the Khutba in English, which could be embracing bigger numbers. The expat will then assimilate whatever the Imam's discussing. Hopefully this will be implemented asap. Sood, via online Well written piece Fairly well written article. For sure the need to understand Friday Khutba is a paramount, however most Imams are not well versed in language other than the one they speak and that makes it very difficult for expats to listen and follow the discourse. In India and Pakistan we have another issue, with the Imam often having a delivery issue and they are very poor in communicating as they are not educated enough. Above all some of their brand of Islam is sadly nowhere near Islam. It would be good if better way is adopted by them in delivering the Khutba. M. H. Kayani, via online