The article "The magical number 8926" (Apr. 14) explains that a recent study has determined that the average Saudi family requires a minimum income of SR8,926 per month to be able to live a decent life without the need of assistance from others. That minimum monthly income is much more than the salary of many South Asian expat families. The government needs to revise the salary packages for expats if expat workers and Saudi nationals are to be treated equally, which indeed they should be! Ms. Hashmi, Online response II. So a Saudi retiree, who gets less than SR8,926 a month is living below the poverty line and is entitled to zakat. What about expats who leave the Kingdom after years of loyal service with a mere gratuity of one month's salary for each year of service? It is time that Saudis treated everyone alike. Ismaeel Marikar, Online response III. I respect this country and its laws but what about expat families who have worked hard for this country's success? Who will conduct a survey about their needs? Sohail, Online response