Blessings taken for granted With reference to the article "Do we deserve public facilities?" by Mahmoud Ahmad (Jan. 20), as a visitor I cannot believe how people here behave the way they do toward the environment and public facilities. This makes me wonder and feel sad for the Kingdom. The country has been blessed with so many things and yet most Saudis take these blessings for granted. When one throws garbage out of the car window on a highway or vandalize public facilities, the question arises: Do you throw garbage around in your homes? Do you kick your furniture apart and put holes on the walls of your homes? The article nailed it. A visitor, Online response II. This shows people's disrespect toward the community and the efforts of the government to make life easy for them. We cannot expect people to clean others' garbage as part of their civic duty. Respect for others and care for the environment are habits that take basic education and years to develop. I can only hope people will end up feeling disgusted or sick of all the piled up garbage around and help in cleaning the environs around them. Just stop the cleaners from doing their work for one month. People's attitude will change and they will clean. Teach them a lesson about the need to clean and care for the environment. Joe, Online response