In a fresh communal flare up in the riot hit Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh, bordering Maharashtra, six member of a family were burnt alive by unknown miscreants in a remote village in the wee hours of Sunday. The state Home Minister K Jana Reddy, before rushing to the scene of the ghastly incident told the reporters in Hyderabad that the incident occurred in Vatoli village about 10 km from Bhainsa, which was under curfew since communal riots broke out Friday. Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, who was on a visit to some other place, spoke to the Home Minister and senior officials and expressed his strong displeasure over the incident. He directed the Home Minister to rush to the village. The Home Minister, who accompanied by minister for labor G Vinod and the director general of police SSP Yadav visited Vatoli village announced a magisterial inquiry. Strongly condemning the incident he directed the police officials to further strengthen the security arrangements across the district and intensify the patrolling. There were heated exchanges between the Home Minister and the Muslim community leader including Asaduddin Owaisi , the MIM President and member of Parliament from Hyderabad. Owaisi alleged that the incident occurred because of the abject failure of the police in providing security to the minority community families living in isolated places. The incident occurred at around 3 A.M. and the miscreants had locked the door of the house from outside before setting it on fire. The Home Minister said that there were three children among the six burnt alive. The victims include Mahboob Khan, a tailor, his wife Safia Begum, daughter Rizwana and three children Naoman, Arsalan and two year old Tuba Falak. Rizwana had come to her parent's place from riot hit Bhainsa only last evening. A relative said that he had talked to Mahboo Khan last night to inquire about the safety of his family. “But when I called on his mobile this morning, there was no response and came here to find the house gutted and all the family members dead”, he said bursting into tears. Inspector general of police J Poornachandra Rao, the district superintendent Anil Kumar and the district collector Nadeem Ahmad were among the senior officials who rushed to the village on receiving the report about the incident. Vatoli village with about 200 houses had only two Muslim families. Though about thirty Muslim families living in other places and surrounding villages had shifted to Bhainsa town after riots broke out on Friday, Mahboob Khan's family did not go. Communal riots started during Durga procession on Friday in which four people were killed and 15 others were injured and more than forty shops were looted and burnt. The incident took place just when the situation was limping back to normalcy in Bhainsa town and the authorities were contemplating to lift the curfew imposed on Friday night. The town had however not witnessed any fresh violence since the trouble on Friday. Jana Reddy told the reporters in Hyderabad that the police have rushed to the village and patrolling has been intensified in the surrounding areas. __