I am writing with regard to the article “Execution of Abdul Quader Molla after an unjust trial” (Dec. 18). I was very sorry to see that Saudi religious leaders and intellectuals kept silent on this issue. Abdul Quader Molla's execution was not only a judicial killing, but it was a political killing as well. You may be aware that after he was originally handed a life sentence, some people demanded the death sentence for him and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina told Parliament that the judges should take into consideration the demands of the people. Faruque, Online response II. What is wrong with all of you? The justice is perfect. Abdul Quader Molla is a war criminal, and this was proved in court. His case is not an international affair. Imran Dil Mohammed, Online response III. I am not sure, Mr. Imran if you have any idea about the legal system in Bangladesh. It is highly politicized and influenced by the executive branch of the government. The judges are not neutral. Everybody in Bangladesh knows that. So, the verdict is highly questionable. Apart from that, the war crimes tribunal was a political agenda of this government to eliminate the political opposition. The tribunal was formed 40 years after the event with an ill intention and we are seeing the results of that now. Faruque, Online response IV. Killing of any kind is a tragedy and when the victim is a high profile political personalty, this kind of action does not help peace and stability in the country. I wish the government of Bangladesh had avoided this problem by awarding only a prison sentence. Although this article came too late to influence the discussion, it serves as a good reminder for the future. Saeed Al-Farha, Online response